How to Beat Imposter Syndrome

Isaac Wooden
3 min readSep 21, 2023


Design by Isaac Wooden

If you have ever dealt with “imposter syndrome” you know that it can take a bit of a mental toll on you.

My solution to this problem was to research it — work through it — and of course write about it.

The persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.

Definition from Oxford Languages

The feelings of imposter syndrome usually occur when you upset the status quo.

When you stretch yourself past what you are comfortable with — you get to a new level in life, your excited about it and then you realize there is still more to do.

There are people that are still way ahead of you pushing forward.

It can be a scary realization.

But it’s a good thing.

This is why people say growth is uncomfortable.

Life doesn’t stand still.

If you’re not growing — you’re shrinking.

In my research I came across an interesting commonality among all the speakers and entrepreneurs that talked about imposter syndrome.

They said that each and every person deals with this at some point in time in their life.

It’s normal.

One person said that it was healthy!

They went on to say that if you are struggling with “imposter syndrome” your mental health and awareness is actually pretty good.

This reminded me of a quote that I had read a few years ago and I can’t seem to find the original quote but it went something like:

The most successful in our eyes are 99% of the time just like us. They’re just further along in the journey.

The people that are doing what we want to be were once in our shoes and dealing with the same stuff.

They just kept going.

Nobody knows anything.

Over the last couple years I have had the privilege to work on the brands of a couple entrepreneurs that have made millions of dollars.

As I worked along side of them I noticed that they were figuring it out as they went along.

Sure they had made a lot of money doing a few things well but that was it.

They didn’t have it all figured out.

They were willing to test, fail, and learn.

So if you ever feel like you don’t deserve what you have and the success you have achieved — just remember that their are people making millions of dollars that are still “figuring it out.”

I love this quote by Nietzsche.

What? A great man? I always see merely the play-actor of his own ideal.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche realized that we have to start to act like the person we want to become.

When you start to get feelings of imposter syndrome remember:

  1. Recognize it’s just a feeling and not the truth
  2. It’s normal and everyone deals with it
  3. It’s a sign of good mental health
  4. It’s a sign you’re growing
  5. Keep pushing forward and outwork your doubt
  6. It takes consistent imitation to become who you want to be



Isaac Wooden

I write purpose and breaking limitations. Instagram and Twitter - @isaacjwooden