Purpose Isn’t One-Dimensional

It’s easy to think that our life purpose is attached to only one thing.

Isaac Wooden
2 min readSep 13, 2023

When searching for your purpose in life it’s easy to get sucked into thinking that it’s a hidden message we need to find.

Often we can trap ourselves into looking for the one thing that will provide all our fulfillment in life.

But we are not trees or single-function machines.

Life is more complex than that.

That’s where the beauty of life lies.

So what is it all about?

If we were to look deep into what purpose is we notice that it is directly tied to others.

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.

Albert Schweitzer

Our purpose directly impacts others in some way.

Are you married?

Your purpose is to take care of each other and help each other grow.

Do you have a job or a business?

Your purpose is to provide a great service or experience.

The simple fact that we are alive and interact with people on a daily basis is another good example of purpose.

When we speak or pass by others we get the chance to offer a smile or a nice conversation.

This could make their day better and the day better of the next person they meet.

The opposite is also true.

When we are rude or negative it impacts others in a negative way.

Our purpose is to be a good person because our lives affect others around us.

I think it’s important to note that responsibility and work tie into purpose.

Everything that I mentioned above takes effort.

The things in life worth having take work.

A big house, a nice car, a healthy body: it all takes work.

Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.

Stephen Hawking

If life offered no challenge or friction it would be a mind numbing experience.

When searching for something to pursue and dedicate your focus to — the why needs to matter to you.

What problem keeps replaying in your head that you could solve if you put effort into it?

Who would you impact if you worked to solve this problem?

This needs to matter to you.

If it matters to you — you can become passionate and obsessed with it.

Our life purpose isn’t simply to make money raise a family and die.

Purpose is about people and those people need your help.

As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.

Carl Jung

So I challenge you — make this mindset shift, find what problem you could solve, and pursue it.



Isaac Wooden

I write purpose and breaking limitations. Instagram and Twitter - @isaacjwooden